Thursday, February 27, 2014

Meaning of the Name Dorota

Thursday, February 27, 2014 - 0 Comments

The Meaning of the Name Dorota
Local Origin of Name: Polish 
From the Greek name Dorothy
Meaning: (Dorothea), 'Gift from God'. Secondary Meaning: Strong, Brave 
Emotional Spectrum * Her eyes betray her soul. 
Personal Integrity * She will tell the truth even when it hurts. 
Personality * Her heart is warm, her smile is sunny. 
Relationships * Probably gives more in a relationship than she receives. 
 Travel & Leisure * A person who will try anything once! 
Career & Money * Early career moves help form this natural leader. 
Life's Opportunities * Joy and happiness await this blessed person. 
Dorota's Lucky Numbers: 50 • 7 • 22 • 26 • 29 • 13

Meaning of the Name Shelby

The Meaning of the Name Shelby
Local Origin of Name: English 
From the English name Shelby
Meaning: ‘ From the ledge estate ’.  Secondary Meaning: ‘ Musical, poetic ’
Emotional Spectrum • A happier person you will never meet. 
Personal Integrity • The stuff that Presidents are made of... 
 Personality • A solid citizen and a compliment to our community. 
 Relationships • Friends have often told her how much they like her. 
 Travel & Leisure • Will find new ways to spice up old hobby. 
 Career & Money • Many career moves advance her in her chosen field. 
 Life's Opportunities • Open to new friends and ideas, she is a person of today! 
Shelby's Lucky Numbers: 3 • 8 • 37 • 45 • 30 • 51

Meaning of the Name Melissa

The Meaning of the Name Melissa
Local Origin of Name: English 
From the Greek name Melissa
Meaning: ‘Bee’. Secondary Meaning: A Bright Flame 
Emotional Spectrum • A swirl of conflicting emotions, Melissa, is a complicated person. 
Personal Integrity • Moral backbone is the hallmark of Melissa. 
Personality • Nothing is rarer than a good nature. 
Relationships • The model for a best friend. 
 Travel & Leisure • A person who will try anything once! 
Career & Money • If money is not wasted in youth, she will handle it well as an adult. 
Life's Opportunities • A person of direction, she plans out her life. 
Melissa's Lucky Numbers: 35 • 49 • 7 • 44 • 20 • 7

Meaning of the Name Donna

Local Origin of Name: English 
From the Latin name Donna
 Meaning: ‘ Desirable, Precious ’ 
Emotional Spectrum • Her emotions get the best of her sometimes! 
Personal Integrity • People know her for her good name. 
Personality • Glows with enthusiasm. 
Relationships • A quiet weekend away is everything! 
Travel & Leisure • Travel is best enjoyed with her friends. 
Career & Money • With the right education, Donna can write her own ticket. 
Life's Opportunities • A lifetime of helping others is reward enough for Donna. 
Donna's Lucky Numbers: 33 • 32 • 26 • 25 • 7 • 6

Meaning of the Name Karen

The Meaning of the Name Karen
Local Origin of Name: English
From the Greek name Katherine
Meaning: 'Katharos (pure)’. Secondary Meaning: Famous warrior 
Emotional Spectrum * Work hard, play hard. 
Personal Integrity * A trusted individual by everyone. 
Personality * A smile for everyone. 
Relationships * A few close friends are all she needs. 
 Travel & Leisure * Eat, drink and be merry - play hard! 
Career & Money * The sky's the limit with the right education! 
Life's Opportunities * Educational opportunities are exceptional for Karen. 
Karen's Lucky Numbers: 45 • 10 • 05 • 49 • 50 • 42

Meaning of the Name Julie

The Meaning of the Name Julie
 Local Origin of Name: English From the Latin name Julius
Meaning: 'soft, supple hair'. Secondary Meaning: Brave 
 Emotional Spectrum * A well rounded person with an even temper.
 Personal Integrity * Her personal ethics are uncompromised!
 Personality * To be useful is her greatest virtue. 
Relationships * Starts slowly, but a relationship with Julie builds over time. 
 Travel & Leisure * A person well-suited to new lands and new faces. 
Career & Money * Her happiness is tied, in part, to her occupation. 
Life's Opportunities * Early childhood opportunities in education will benefit her. 
Julie's Lucky Numbers: 13 • 26 • 37 • 17 • 10 • 6

Meaning of the Name Eunice

The Meaning of the Name Eunice
Local Origin of Name: English
From the Greek name Eunice 
Meaning: 'Victorious'. Secondary Meaning: Ambitious, industrious
Emotional Spectrum * A happier person you will never meet.
Personal Integrity * She will tell the truth even when it hurts.
Personality * Always there to help; everyone's best friend.
Relationships * While crowds are fun, she needs her alone time.
 Travel & Leisure * Would enjoy train travel, but her impatience needs the airplane!
Career & Money * Eunice knows how to balance career and family.
Life's Opportunities * Destined for greatness, nothing can hold back this gifted person.
Melissa's Lucky Numbers:  11 • 37 • 42 • 45 • 2 • 38

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Meaning of the Name Jaydene

Wednesday, February 26, 2014 - 0 Comments

The Meaning of the Name Jaydene
 Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original From the name Jaydene
 Meaning: Fine son
 Emotional Spectrum • Not easily pushed, he does have his limits. 
 Personal Integrity • The makeup of him is moral greatness! 
 Personality • Happy-go-lucky, a fun loving person. 
 Relationships • Not an 'open book', it takes time to become his friend. 
 Travel & Leisure • A fondness for the mountains will emerge. 
 Career & Money • Investments made early keep Jaydene comfortable in the golden years. 
 Life's Opportunities • Not everyone has the career opportunities of Jaydene. 
 Jaydene's Lucky Numbers: 30 • 49 • 47 • 46 • 39 • 17

Meaning of the Name Jalaine

The Meaning of the Name Jalaine
 Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original From the name Jalaine 
 Meaning: Enchanter, diviner, miracle worker 
 Emotional Spectrum • A calm exterior, and yet... 
 Personal Integrity • Moral backbone is the hallmark of Jalaine. 
 Personality • An ounce of cheerfulness is worth a pound of sadness. 
 Relationships • Many people will find her their best friend. 
 Travel & Leisure • Always on the go, Jalaine takes life in the fast lane. 
 Career & Money • Not one to stay home, Jalaine will discover world travel. 
 Life's Opportunities • 'Be Prepared', is Jalaine's motto!

Meaning of the Name Tahli

The Meaning of the Name Tahli
 Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original From the name Tahli
 Meaning: Gift
 Emotional Spectrum • Even tempered, most of the time! 
 Personal Integrity • The decency of Tahli is never questioned. 
 Personality • Life in the fast lane, tempered by common sense. 
 Relationships • Some of Tahli's friends are just like her. 
Travel & Leisure • Relaxing is an art-form to her. 
 Career & Money • Parents play a major role in her educational career. 
 Life's Opportunities • A naturally intelligent person, academia is her playground. 
Tahli's Lucky Numbers: 14 • 38 • 47 • 34 • 27 • 49

Meaning of the Name Teresa

The Meaning of the Name Teresa
 Local Origin of Name: English From the Greek name Teresa
 Meaning: Ruler of the people
 Emotional Spectrum • Sometimes down, but never count her out!
 Personal Integrity • She would never compromise her principles. 
Personality • She is in love with life.
 Relationships • Gives a lot, but expects a lot from friends. 
 Travel & Leisure • Will find new ways to spice up old hobby. 
 Career & Money • Handling a family and a job are easy for Teresa. 
 Life's Opportunities • Educational opportunities are exceptional for Teresa. 
Teresa's Lucky Numbers: 11 • 1 • 50 • 7 • 43 • 2

Meaning of the Name Valencia

The Meaning of the Name Valencia
 Local Origin of Name: Italian From the Latin name Valentia
 Meaning: 'Strong' or 'healthy'
 Emotional Spectrum • Beneath the calm exterior..
. Personal Integrity • Friends know that Valencia will never talk behind their back.
 Personality • Happy-go-lucky, a fun loving person.
 Relationships • It may take some time to get to know Valencia.
 Travel & Leisure • Likes primitive travel by day, but comfort at night!
 Career & Money • Early school tutoring will help Valencia blossom.
 Life's Opportunities • 'Be Prepared', is Valencia's motto!
Valencia's Lucky Numbers: 40 • 2 • 29 • 22 • 41 • 23

Meaning of the Name Chersy

The Meaning of the Name Chersy
 Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original From the name Chersy
 Meaning: Servant of God
 Emotional Spectrum • A quiet, babbling brook in the storm of life.
 Personal Integrity • Her family taught her that honesty is her best asset.
 Personality • Listens to her conscience and stays out of trouble.
 Relationships • The romance department is key to her happiness.
 Travel & Leisure • Always on the go, Chersy takes life in the fast lane.
 Career & Money • A gifted child, Chersy will need to be challenged constantly.
 Life's Opportunities • A person who welcomes new technology, Chersy will go far.
Chersy's Lucky Numbers:

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Meaning of the Name Lyra

Tuesday, February 25, 2014 - 0 Comments

The Meaning of the Name Lyra
 Local Origin of Name: English From the Greek name Lyra
 Meaning: 'Lyre'
 Emotional Spectrum • A smile gives you more face value.
 Personal Integrity • The makeup of her is moral greatness!
 Personality • Let her be as she is - she needs no alterations.
 Relationships • When it comes to friends, only 'true blue' need apply.
 Travel & Leisure • Knows how to relax in style!
 Career & Money • She has a natural business sense, and will go far.
 Life's Opportunities • Not a wheeler-dealer, Lyra examines business deals carefully.
 Lyra's Lucky Numbers: 16 • 5 • 32 • 30 • 15 • 4

Meaning of the Name Irish

The Meaning of the Name Irish
 Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original From the name Irish
 Meaning: Song thrush
 Emotional Spectrum • Somewhat a rebel, he must control his impulses.
 Personal Integrity • In a world of deceit, Irish stands for truth and integrity.
 Personality • Sing away sorrow; cast away care.
 Relationships • People like Irish because of his personality.
 Travel & Leisure • A trip of a lifetime is in his future.
 Career & Money • The right job for him is within his grasp.
 Life's Opportunities • A combination of education and planning will serve him well.
 Irish's Lucky Numbers: 5 • 43 • 48 • 39 • 21 • 45

Meaning of the Name Herbert

The Meaning of the Name Herbert
 Local Origin of Name: English From the Middle English name Herbert
 Meaning: 'Army' + 'bright', 'shining'
 Emotional Spectrum • He hides his true feelings on occasion.
 Personal Integrity • He will tell the truth even when it hurts.
 Personality • A light heart lives long.
 Relationships • While crowds are fun, he needs his alone time.
 Travel & Leisure • A quiet evening at home is his idea of relaxation.
 Career & Money • Self-taught skills will help Herbert.
 Life's Opportunities • A naturally intelligent person, academia is his playground.
 Herbert's Lucky Numbers: 50 • 28 • 37 • 41 • 8 • 1

Meaning of the Name Nelene

The Meaning of the Name Nelene
 Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original From the name Nelene
 Meaning: Well-Spoken
 Emotional Spectrum • A quiet, babbling brook in the storm of life.
 Personal Integrity • Her family taught her that honesty is her best asset.
 Personality • A light heart lives long.
 Relationships • Doesn't need much out of life but to be loved.
 Travel & Leisure • Although she enjoys her home, far-away lands hold interest.
 Career & Money • If money is not wasted in youth, she will handle it well as an adult.
 Life's Opportunities • Not taken in by scams, people will seek Nelene's advice.
 Nelene's Lucky Numbers: 39 • 25 • 4 • 15 • 7 • 45

Meaning of the Name Emaan

The Meaning of the Name Emaan
 Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original From the name Emaan
 Meaning: Divine Gift
 Emotional Spectrum • A storm of emotions in a calm exterior.
 Personal Integrity • You would never make a mistake placing your faith in Emaan.
 Personality • Quiet until you know her.
 Relationships • Probably gives more in a relationship than she receives.
 Travel & Leisure • Travel is best enjoyed with her friends.
 Career & Money • A career in law would suit Emaan.
 Life's Opportunities • A person of direction, she plans out her life.
 Emaan's Lucky Numbers: 47 • 30 • 4 • 18 • 38 • 28

Meaning of the Name Eleanore

The Meaning of the Name Eleanore
 Local Origin of Name: English From the Greek name Helen
 Meaning: 'Bright one' or 'shining one'
 Emotional Spectrum • Not confrontational, prefers to accommodate.
 Personal Integrity • Friends know that Eleanore can be called on in a crisis.
 Personality • To the young at heart, everything's fun.
 Relationships • A bond formed with her may last a lifetime.
 Travel & Leisure • Although she enjoys her home, far-away lands hold interest.
 Career & Money • Her ability to handle money is well-known!
 Life's Opportunities • Helping others enriches her life.
 Eleanore's Lucky Numbers: 13 • 32 • 45 • 11 • 16 • 20

Meaning of the Name Christyl

The Meaning of the Name Christyl
 Local Origin of Name: Unique and Original From the name Christyl
 Meaning: Sent from heaven
 Emotional Spectrum • Her eyes betray her soul.
 Personal Integrity • She will tell the truth even when it hurts.
 Personality • When she is not talking, she is laughing.
 Relationships • Long term friendships come easily to Christyl.
 Travel & Leisure • Likes primitive travel by day, but comfort at night!
 Career & Money • Leadership skills emerge early in Christyl.
 Life's Opportunities • University is crucial to her success, more so than others!
 Christyl's Lucky Numbers: 3 • 8 • 29 • 16 • 28 • 6

Meaning of the Name Donald

The Meaning of the Name Donald
 Local Origin of Name: English From the Gaelic name Donald
 Meaning: (Domhnall), 'Mighty in the world'
 Emotional Spectrum • A calm exterior, and yet...
 Personal Integrity • No one is more worthy of trust.
 Personality • Takes life slow and easy, but enjoys every minute.
 Relationships • Not an 'open book', it takes time to become his friend.
 Travel & Leisure • His job supports his hobby!
 Career & Money • A born actor, he will find Hollywood attractive!
 Life's Opportunities • Tried and true, but welcomes new innovations.
 Donald's Lucky Numbers: 15 • 12 • 50 • 4 • 10 • 25

Meaning of the Name Alexander

The Meaning of the Name Alexander


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